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problem with mysqldump
Posted by: Chris Hopkins
Date: February 01, 2006 09:54AM


I have searched this forum and the rest of this site and I cant seem to get the mysqldump command to work. No matter what combination of commands I try i keep getting the Error 1064 message saying that i have an error in my syntax.

Below is some of the following I have tried:

mysqldump --opt theatrebooking > backup_file.sql
mysqldump -uadministrator -p1234 theatrebooking > backup_file.sql
mysqldump -uadministrator -p1234 theatrebooking >> backup_file.sql
mysqldump -u administrator -p 1234 theatrebooking > backup_file.sql

If anyone has any idea why this wont work for me please let me know as I'm very stuck with this


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problem with mysqldump
February 01, 2006 09:54AM
February 02, 2006 04:10PM

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