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Auto backup using mysqldump not working.
Posted by: Kailasam Nagaraju
Date: December 15, 2020 10:09PM

After upgrading from 8.0.18 to 8.0.20 we had to manually set binary-as-hex to false in the /etc/my.cnf file for AES_Encryption and decryption as follows to function properly. Below is the addition that we did.

binary-as-hex = false

binary-as-hex = false

After doing the above, we now observe that our auto backups using mysqldump have started erroring out with the below error message. Sharing the script that we are using for our auto backups below:

mysqldump --defaults-extra-file=/root/.my.cnf -u ${MYSQL_USER} \

This functionality used to occur daily using mysqldump before the above change was made and was working as expected.

mysqldump: [ERROR] unknown variable 'binary-as-hex=false'

Kindly assist. How do I get the auto backups working again ?

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Auto backup using mysqldump not working.
December 15, 2020 10:09PM

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