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SQL Injection
Posted by: Rob Lee
Date: October 26, 2006 12:49PM


I'm reviewing some old web CGI code at the moment and I found something that I think is serious, however I don't seem to be able to 'prove' it's insecure. The code is an old Perl CGI script using (not DBI) :

my $query = "select * from admins where user=\"param(u)\" AND s = 1";
my $sth = $dbh->query($query);
while(%hash = $sth->fetchhash) {
# Compares hash password to sumitted password

The param method is from and does no escaping, so whatever gets passed from the web-form goes directly into the query.

I've tried various sql injection attacks but aside from causing an error on $dbh->query($query) (which is bad but not the end of the world) I have been unsuccessful in causing any damage. For example I have tried passing in :

blah";drop table admins;select * from admins where user="blah

But this just causes an error - so is this the 'worst' thing that I can expect or is there something more serious I need to be worried about ?

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SQL Injection
October 26, 2006 12:49PM

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