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Re: SHA1 handshake pass
Posted by: John Schellingerhout
Date: September 21, 2017 05:15AM

Hi thanks a lot, it helps me out a lot.
The reason is we're talking from PLC's, which doesn't have ability (nor enough space either) to implement or use connectors.
From your information, I see I misses data after database name, so that information I think was from MySQL <5.5. Maybe that's the reason for acces denied.

Can you verify this should work:

pass1 = SHA1(pass) //20byte
pass2 = SHA(pass1) //20byte
pass3 = SHA1((serversalt[8byte]+serversalt[other 12 bytes]) + pass2); //40byte

for (i=0; i<20; i++)
pass_2bsent = pass1 XOR pass3

Is this a correct implementation of passwordhasing?

I did a wiresharklog while connecting MySQL Workbench and except the part after database (and of course password itself) the packet was the same as the one from PLC.

Best regards,

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Written By
September 18, 2017 02:58AM
September 19, 2017 03:08AM
Re: SHA1 handshake pass
September 21, 2017 05:15AM
September 25, 2017 02:16AM

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