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MySQL Audit Excluding delete logs on one table
Posted by: Krzysztof Wróblewski
Date: September 28, 2018 01:24AM

I have tables, lets say: a, b, c.
I have problem with creation of filter which will skip auditing queries like 'delete from c [condition]'.
Log which I would like to skip is like this:

{ "timestamp": "2018-09-27 11:05:01", "id": 1, "class": "general", "event": "status", "connection_id": 3, "account": { "user": "root", "host": "localhost" }, "login": { "user": "root", "os": "", "ip": "", "proxy": "" }, "general_data": { "command": "Query", "sql_command": "insert", "query": "delete from c where id=1", "status": 0 } }

I can use general_sql_command.str for excluding group of queries:

{ "field": { "name": "general_sql_command.str", "value": "..." } }

But how to use part of query in value?

Other solution which would be satisfied is removing all queries from audit log related to table 'c'. This is class 'general' and there is no information about table, as table value is related only in 'table access' class.

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MySQL Audit Excluding delete logs on one table
September 28, 2018 01:24AM

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