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Mysql ODBC 8.0.15 SQLFetch returns SQL_NO_DATA for a Select query with where clause if one of the selected fields is blob. Works fine for 5.3.6
Posted by: Sunny Taksande
Date: February 18, 2019 11:54PM


We have the following table with 3 fields -

mysql> desc `b306_Blob_Last`;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| Num | smallint(6) | NO | PRI | NULL | |
| Alpha | varchar(10) | YES | | NULL | |
| myBlob | mediumblob | YES | | NULL | |

The prepare statement is of the form -
SELECT `Num`,`Alpha`,`myBlob` FROM `b306_Blob_Last` WHERE `Num` BETWEEN ? AND ? ORDER BY `Num`

We are binding 2 inputs (of where clause) using SQLBindParameter and 2 outputs (Num and Alpha) using SQLBindCol. For blob field - 'myBlob' we did not bind any variable.

The query gets executed succesfully but SQLFetch returns SQL_NO_DATA even if there is data in the table that matches the where criteria.

This works fine for 5.3.6 driver but not for 8.0.15.

Also a simple query like - SELECT `Num`,`Alpha`,`myBlob` FROM `b306_Blob_Last` works fine even if we dont bind the blob field - 'myBlob'.

Let us know if any body needs more information.


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