mysqld mxj shutdown trouble
This my first test w/mxj sorry to be verbose...
According to doc chapter " Deployment in a standard JMX Agent environment (JBoss)" & " Deploying Connector/MXJ within JBoss"
I tried out Done a fresh download of mxj & done the basic jboss setup.
Except :
mysql-connector-java-3.1.4-beta-bin.jar replaced by mysql-connector-java-5.0.4-bin.jar
To get it start :
1 - IHad to copy also aspectjtr.jar, required in jboss/server/default/lib
2 - I Had to commentout datadir mbean attribute in mysqld-service.xml to avoid this :
23:53:02,767 INFO [STDOUT] [MysqldResource] launching mysqld (getOptions)
23:53:03,538 WARN [ServiceController] Problem creating service mysql:type=service,name=mysqld
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: d:\tmp\mysql_data not equal to C:\Documents
and Settings\localbh\Local Settings\Temp\mysql-c.mxj\data
It nows starts fine
First tests OK : index.jsp test OK, access thru other JDBC tool (squirell) OK
However, the shutdown doesn't work ever from jmx-console and jboss shutdown :
mysqld process is stopped but jmx handler doesnot catch info
More over, innodb starts a recover on next startup (unclean shutdown detect).
shutdown log :
23:24:42,852 INFO [STDOUT] [MysqldResource] stopping mysqld (process: 2276)
23:25:15,459 ERROR [STDERR] [MysqldResource]
don't have to do that (already dead) :
23:25:15,459 ERROR [STDERR] [MysqldResource] attempting to "force kill" 2276
23:25:47,645 ERROR [STDERR] [MysqldResource]
23:25:47,645 ERROR [STDERR] [MysqldResource] 2276 not killed.
23:25:47,706 ERROR [STDERR] [MysqldResource]
23:25:47,706 ERROR [STDERR] [MysqldResource] Process 2276still running; not dele
ting C:\Documents and Settings\localbh\Local Settings\Temp\mysql-c.mxj\data\Mysq
23:25:47,706 INFO [STDOUT] [MysqldResource] clearing options
23:25:47,706 INFO [STDOUT] [MysqldResource] shutdown complete
23:25:47,846 INFO [STDOUT] [MysqldResource] launching mysqld (getOptions)
Shutdown complete
Platform : XPPro/Jboss404ga/SunJVM1.5.09/mxj504beta/mysqlconnector504
Ideas/tips/ ?