Re: error binding values with 3.1.11 connector/j to server-side prepared statements on mysqld 4.1.12
Posted by: Marc Portier
Date: October 18, 2005 02:47PM

Mark Matthews wrote:

thx for the swift response...


> Marc,
> Is it _possible_ for you to test with one of our
> official binaries? We've had a few reports of
> prepared statement issues w/ the Debian builds of
> MySQL-4.1, and the only way to prove that it's not
> some gcc/glibc bug in Debian is to compare the
> behavior to our own binaries (which as far as I've
> tested don't exhibit this behavior).

helas no, not on short notice anyway,
in the mean time someone else could try out based on this really easy tgz I've prepared:
(you'll need java and an installed mysql server to run this, it should take you something like 5 minutes at the most)

$ wget
$ tar -zxvf sqltest.tgz
$ cd sqltest

$ mysql -uroot
mysql> use test;
mysql> create table brol ( id integer primary key, content varchar(255));
mysql> grant all on test.* to dba@localhost identified by 'sql';
mysql> grant all on test.* to dba@'%' identified by 'sql';

$ ./

the output should mention all checks ok with the different combinations
in my case 3.1.x /4.1.12 combo it 'll produce some to indicate the mentioned bug

> unexpected data row id=65536, cntnt=
> unexpected data row id=131072, cntnt=
> unexpected data row id=196864, cntnt=

Taking the gun to the other shoulder:
- is there anyone anyone here that knows where and how to address this in the appropriate debian/ubuntu circles?

and to arm the thing:
- are there other ways (requiring less dependencies then my java test above) to test for the proclaimed gcc/glibc bugs in debian/ubuntu?

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