I am having some issues. IT is bugging me because if I can;t fix this my bot (for discord) is put on a permanent hold.
My problem: I am pulling a quite a large number from the database (discord User id, that I store upon registering). IF you have used discord, you know that those IDs are quite long. However, if I use a DB query, try to pull that number OUT of the database, it will increase the value by x amount per person. For me it is 4, for another it is like 100 or so. I am not adding to that value in my code, I have tried several times, in different commands, but it increases across the board.
The weird thing is: If I test against it, without actually using it, it works fine. For example if I do (if (author.id === db.id)) it will work, but if I use it for basically anything else, the value craps out and gets added to. Pulling from database, adds. Comparing works fine.
Also, I am new to this page, so I don't know if I can post code, however I can post the stackover fl
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48658904/discord-js-adding-to-a-an-id-pulled-from-a-dataow post I posted been there for a day now. No one seems to know the answer.