Error in MySQL routine
Posted by:
Jim Sawyer
Date: November 25, 2022 08:42PM
I receive the error message "Active cannot have a null value" when I run the following routine:
ptQuery := TFDQuery.Create( AConnection );
ptQuery.Connection := AConnection;
ptQuery.SQL.Text := 'Update Patient P ' +
'set P.Active = ' +
'( select R.RecDate from Records R ' +
'where R.Patno = P.Patno and R.RecDate between :Dt1 and :Dt2 ' +
'order by R.RecDate desc limit 1 )';
ptQuery.ParamByName('Dt1').AsDate := DateOf( StrToDate('09/13/1936') );
ptQuery.ParamByName('Dt2').AsDate := DateOf( IncYear( Date, -4 ) );
How does it need to be altered to prevent the error?
Jim Sawyer
Written By
Error in MySQL routine
November 25, 2022 08:42PM
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