Oh dear - another 'problem'
I created the table with no problem as : -
mySQLCreate.SQL.Add('CREATE TABLE `sqlServerTable` (Bus varchar(10), Context varchar(128), ');
mySQLCreate.SQL.Add('CurrCache varchar(10), DSVer varchar(15), IntIPX varchar(30), ');
mySQLCreate.SQL.Add('LicConns varchar(8), LRUSit varchar(30), MaxConns varchar(8), ');
mySQLCreate.SQL.Add('NoProcs varchar(2), NOSVer varchar(6), NoVols varchar(3), ');
mySQLCreate.SQL.Add('OrigCache varchar(10), Processor varchar(20), SFT varchar(5), ');
mySQLCreate.SQL.Add('SrvName1 varchar(30), SYSFree varchar(8), SYSTot varchar(8), ');
mySQLCreate.SQL.Add('Ticks varchar(3), Vol1Free varchar(8), Vol1Tot varchar(8), ');
mySQLCreate.SQL.Add('Vol2Free varchar(8), Vol2Tot varchar(8), Vol3Free varchar(8), ');
mySQLCreate.SQL.Add('Vol3Tot varchar(8), Vol4Free varchar(8), Vol4Tot varchar(8), ');
mySQLCreate.SQL.Add('Vol5Free varchar(8), Vol5Tot varchar(8), PRIMARY KEY(`SrvName1`), ');
mySQLCreate.SQL.Add('INDEX `SrvName1`(`SrvName1`)) TYPE=MyISAM ROW_FORMAT=default');
sqlServerTable.Database := DataMod.dbmySQLServerInfo;
sqlServerTable.TableName := 'sqlServerTable';
So far so good, but the moment I call sqlServerTable.Activate or Open, I get an error "sqlServertable Field 'Bus' not found".
This time I really battled for hours trying to get it to work before posting this cry for help, but I'm well and truly stuck.
Delphi 5 (all patches) MicroOlap DAC.
Any help would be appreciated. I know I'm doing something wrong, but I can't work out what!
BUT as soon as I try to Activate or open the table, it tells me it can find the fields!