Connector 8.0.11 return binary keys???
Here are 2 example results from queries performed using MYSQL connector 8.0...
Before 8.0.11:
{'Expiration': datetime.datetime(2018, 5, 9, 14, 30, 40), 'IdUser': 143, 'Id': 9999999, 'Token': 'KAJGHKJ8976976JKHLJKH'}
With 8.0.11:
{b'Expiration': datetime.datetime(2018, 5, 9, 14, 30, 40), 'IdUser': 143, 'Id': 9999999, 'Token': 'KAJGHKJ8976976JKHLJKH'}
As you can see, the key for datetime objects is no longer a normal string, but a bytes literal.
Because of this, all the record parsing functionality is now broken because datetime values are no longer found in the query results.
Please let me know if there is an easy fix to this issue.