mysql-perl interface-fedora2-ouch
Hi All,
ok, ok, I know I may be outa my depth, but, I gotta give it a shot(with some help from loving people in here-hehe). I wanna run the Perl Interface for mysql. I've got perl-5.8.3-18 already on my machine. I've downloaded DBI and DBD::mysql. Now, it's my understanding that DBI must 1st be installed, yes..? So, I looked in the readme file..and, ouch, it hurts,'s the most horrible help file I've ever read...these guys are so advanced, they gotta be outa this planet..anyway, staying on, 1stly, where do I extract the .tar.gz file to for DBI. Then, 2ndly, how do I do the following,
The DBI requires one or more 'driver' modules to talk to databases,
but they are not needed to build or install the DBI.
Check that a DBD::* module exists for the database you wish to use.
Read the DBI README then Build/test/install the DBI by doing
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
Then delete the source directory tree since it's no longer needed.
Little lost, to say the least. But, am not about to give up. Cheers.
Mark Sargent