Re: not able to install DBD::mysql on Windows
I went through a lot of headache with this. I am a returning perl user and my task (I haven't used perl in 10 years) is to create a mysql database and run a small web app to manage user inputs.
I tried everything to get DBD::MySQL to install
1) for some reason it doesn't appear in the ppm dist
2) I got a ppd from uwinnipeg DBD-mysql.ppd but it errored "ppm install failed: The PPD does not provide code to install for this platform"
3) manually typing ppm install DBD-mysql didn't work
I finally realized that it was failing through the proxy because it needs to authenticate. If you set these variables on the CMD prompt
c:\>set HTTP_proxy=<your proxy server:port>
c:\>set HTTP_proxy_user=<the userid you authenticate with on the proxy>
c:\>set HTTP_proxy_pass=<the password to authenticate>
after setting the environment variables, "ppm install DBD-mysql" worked
Written By
November 07, 2011 11:29AM
November 08, 2011 06:13AM
November 08, 2011 09:29AM
Re: not able to install DBD::mysql on Windows
January 05, 2012 08:52PM
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