<edit>I am using perl 5.8.8, MySQL 5.1.51 and am connecting to the db via DBI->connect_cached() <edit>
I am experimenting with using SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS and FOUND_ROWS() to tell me the number of items returned from a query with a LIMIT clause. I have an ever growing table with (currently) 348735 records -- based on a SELECT count(*) FROM table. As i type this that number may grow by a few or a dozen.
Last evening I was running a perl script to test the numbers and issued the query:
$tmp = <<EOF;
date ASC
LIMIT 0, 999999999
$sth = &returnQuery($DBH, $tmp);
for ($i = 0; $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; $i++) {
if ($i && ($i % 2000) == 0) {
print STDOUT "\tSleeping after $i\n";
sleep 2;
print STDOUT "Number of rows operated on = $i\n";
$sth = &returnQuery($DBH, "SELECT FOUND_ROWS()");
@cnt = $sth->fetchrow_array;
print STDOUT "returned rows = $cnt[0]\n";
The last time i ran this yesterday it returned:
# ./copyDB
Sleeping after 2000
Sleeping after 4000
Sleeping after 6000
Sleeping after 8000
Sleeping after 10000
Sleeping after 344000
Sleeping after 346000
Sleeping after 348000
Number of rows operated on = 348690
returned rows = 279260
So, last night there were a few less records in the table than there are now. That is to be expected. The question is why is the number returned by FOUND_ROWS() so much lower than the loop counter?
I figure that I did something wrong but I can't see it yet.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/18/2012 01:02PM by 7 reeds.