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Setting login Payload information
Posted by: Chris Kottaridis
Date: May 02, 2015 09:21AM

I tried this snippet of the sample program and captured the information sent via wireshark:

use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;

# Connect to the database.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=test;host=",
"joe", "joe's password",
{'RaiseError' => 1});

# Disconnect from the database.


In wireshark output I see the login request for Joe and also has a PayLoad section:

Username: joe
Password: eac7451479b75687f0e71e7aa3244870145937be
Schema: test
Payload: 6d7973716c5f6e61746976655f70617373776f7264005303...

In the Payload section is some information regarding the client, specifically:

client_name libmysql _pid8871
client_version 10.0.17

Is there a way to set the client name and version to match the application I am writing rather then the library used ?

In general how do I control the content of the login Payload ?

Chris Kottaridis

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Setting login Payload information
May 02, 2015 09:21AM

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