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Re: PHP/MySQL Reading Database Field Help!
Posted by: Raymond Jender
Date: July 24, 2019 09:08AM

Peter Brawley Wrote:
> If "learn as I go" is to rise above hacking (which
> doesn't deliver reliable results), a systematic
> approach is needed: first write the logical steps
> required by the job, then translate that into
> pseudocode, then translate that into the language
> you're writing.
> The pseudocode for your job would be something
> like ..
> connect or exit on error
> assemble query
> submit query or exit on error
> check no. of rows returned, if 0 exit
> fetch target row(s)
> examine row values
> ...
> As you can see, we don't try to fetch a row till
> we know there's one available.
> PHP says $row is an array. Because it's the result
> of fetch_assoc(). But you called that func before
> checking that the row exists.
> Re mysqli_num_rows(), check its manual page for
> syntax.

Thanks Peter. I appreciate your help.
You have been a big help. I think I have it figured out
and have what I need.



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