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Re: mysql middleware for sql server based application
Posted by: Josh Chamas
Date: December 31, 2004 05:16PM

touseef liaqat wrote:
> Hi,
> i have a application which is using sql server as
> backend. i dont have the code of the application.
> and i want to make that application to use MySql
> as its backend data base instead of sql server.
> but i only have the executeable of the
> applications. is there any way to do so?

Unlikely, however if its going to SQL Server via an ODBC connection, you could
try it against a MySQL ODBC connection instead. However there are so many differences
between databases that it is unlikely to work even this way. Only applications written
with database portability in mind tend to have any luck with this kind of thing, but
even then often need per database behavior defined for various things like sequences,
date/time handling, etc.



Josh Chamas
Director, Professional Services
MySQL Inc.,
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Re: mysql middleware for sql server based application
December 31, 2004 05:16PM

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