Problem with tSQL query on MySQL
Hi guys,
I am unable to get this query to work with MySQL even though it works just fine with MS SQL:
FROM (SELECT first_consecutive = LEAST(capcode), last_consecutive, (last_consecutive - LEAST(capcode) + 1) AS dlength
FROM (SELECT P1.capcode, LEAST(P2.capcode) AS last_consecutive
FROM ch1fragmentcapcodes AS P1
FROM ch1fragmentcapcodes AS P1
LEFT JOIN ch1fragmentcapcodes AS P2
ON P2.capcode = P1.capcode + 1
WHERE P2.capcode IS NULL) AS P2
ON P2.capcode >= P1.capcode
GROUP BY P1.capcode) AS P
GROUP BY last_consecutive) AS P
WHERE dlength >= 5
ORDER BY first_consecutive
My understanding was that MySQL versions below 4.1 did not support subqueries and I upgraded my version accordingly but still kept getting the ambiguous syntax errors!
What I'm after is to go through a table and pick out sequential (or consecutive) numbers from it.
Would appreciate it if someone could help with this.
Written By
Problem with tSQL query on MySQL
January 04, 2005 04:05AM
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