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Re: For the same MSSQL table migration script works in CentOS 6.6, but fails partially in CentOS 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4
Posted by: Jacob Nikom
Date: March 01, 2018 03:26PM

Hello Milosz,

Thank you for your help.

I added --force-utf8-for-source option to my script.

Here is the script with this option:
# Source and target DB passwords

if [ -z "$arg_source_password" ] && [ -z "$arg_target_password" ] ; then
echo WARNING: Both source and target RDBMSes passwords are empty. You should edit this file to set them.

# Source server parameters
# arg_source_database_server=""

# Target server parameters
# arg_target_database_server="root@"
echo "arg_target_database_server = $arg_target_database_server"
# Whether target tables should be truncated before copy

# Migration operation parameters
# Enable debugging output
# Disable triggers

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:/local/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/lib/X11:/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/pgsql/lib:/usr/lib/debug/usr/lib64/mysql-workbench:/usr/lib64/mysql-workbench

/usr/libexec/mysql-workbench/wbcopytables-bin \
--odbc-source="DRIVER={MyFreeTDSDriver};SERVER=$src_server;PORT=$src_port;DATABASE=$src_database;UID=$src_uid;TDS_VERSION=7.1" \
--target="$arg_target_database_server" \
--source-password="$arg_source_password" \
--target-password="$arg_target_password" \
--thread-count=$arg_worker_count $arg_truncate_target $arg_debug_output \
--force-utf8-for-source \
--table '[rfcAnalysis]' '[dbo].[houseAddress]' '`rfcAnalysis`' '`houseAddress`' '[aAddressID]' '`aAddressID`' 'CAST([aRecordStat] as NCHAR(1)) as [aRecordStat], [aAddressID], [aAddressParentID], CAST([aType] as NCHAR(1)) as [aType], [aHouseID], [aSeq], CAST([aPubStatus] as NCHAR(1)) as [aPubStatus], CAST([aUseStatus] as NCHAR(1)) as [aUseStatus], CAST([aContactFirstName] as NVARCHAR(50)) as [aContactFirstName], CAST([aContactLastName] as NVARCHAR(50)) as [aContactLastName], CAST([aTitle] as NVARCHAR(75)) as [aTitle], CAST([aDept] as NVARCHAR(75)) as [aDept], CAST([aLocAlias] as NVARCHAR(100)) as [aLocAlias], [aScraperAlias], CAST([aFacilityName] as NVARCHAR(75)) as [aFacilityName], CAST([aEbayLocAlias] as NVARCHAR(45)) as [aEbayLocAlias], [aHeadOffice], [aBranchOffice], [aSellingLoc], [aSellingDft], [aPreviewLoc], [aPreviewDft], [aOfficeLoc], [aOfficeDft], CAST([aStreet1] as NVARCHAR(75)) as [aStreet1], CAST([aStreet2] as NVARCHAR(75)) as [aStreet2], CAST([aCity] as NVARCHAR(50)) as [aCity], CAST([aStateID] as NVARCHAR(4)) as [aStateID], CAST([aProvince] as NVARCHAR(30)) as [aProvince], CAST([aPostCode] as NVARCHAR(15)) as [aPostCode], CAST([aCountryID] as NVARCHAR(2)) as [aCountryID], CAST([aTelNo] as NVARCHAR(50)) as [aTelNo], CAST([aFaxNo] as NVARCHAR(50)) as [aFaxNo], CAST([aTollFree] as NVARCHAR(20)) as [aTollFree], CAST([aEMail] as NVARCHAR(64)) as [aEMail], [aExpertContactID], [aConsignContactID], [aBiddingContactID], [aCurrencyID], CAST([aTimeZone] as NVARCHAR(4)) as [aTimeZone], [aGMToffset], [aCommIncluded], [aCommissionID], [aDirections], CAST([aBuyPremium] as NVARCHAR(250)) as [aBuyPremium], [aPremiumPlusVAT], CAST([aViewingNotes] as NVARCHAR(2500)) as [aViewingNotes], CAST([aDisplayNotes] as NVARCHAR(2500)) as [aDisplayNotes], CAST([aSaleNotes] as NVARCHAR(2500)) as [aSaleNotes], [aNotes], CAST([aInstructions] as NVARCHAR(1200)) as [aInstructions], CAST([aSourceType] as NVARCHAR(8)) as [aSourceType], CAST([aSourcePath] as NVARCHAR(1000)) as [aSourcePath]'

echo "xxx Finshed bash script to migrate houseAddress table from SQL Server to MySQL rfcAnalysis database" `date`

Here is the output of the execution of this script:

xxx Start bash script to migrate houseAddress table from SQL Server to MySQL rfcAnalysis database Thu Mar 1 15:57:34 EST 2018
arg_target_database_server = root@
Logger set to level 'debug3'. '1111111'
15:57:34 [INF][ copytable]: Connecting to MySQL server at with user root
15:57:34 [INF][ copytable]: Connection to MySQL opened
15:57:34 [DB1][ copytable]: Detected server version=5.6.39-enterprise-commercial-advanced
15:57:34 [DB1][ copytable]: Detected max_allowed_packet=134217728
15:57:34 [DB1][ copytable]: Retrieving trigger list
15:57:34 [INF][ copytable]: Opening ODBC connection to [unknown] 'DRIVER={MyFreeTDSDriver};SERVER=AZSQLDB.invaluable.corp;PORT=1433;DATABASE=rfcAnalysis;UID=OSDprod;TDS_VERSION=7.1;PWD=XXX'
15:57:34 [INF][ copytable]: ODBC connection to 'DRIVER={MyFreeTDSDriver};SERVER=AZSQLDB.invaluable.corp;PORT=1433;DATABASE=rfcAnalysis;UID=OSDprod;TDS_VERSION=7.1;PWD=' opened
15:57:34 [INF][ copytable]: Connecting to MySQL server at with user root
15:57:34 [INF][ copytable]: Connection to MySQL opened
15:57:34 [DB1][ copytable]: Detected server version=5.6.39-enterprise-commercial-advanced
15:57:34 [DB1][ copytable]: Detected max_allowed_packet=134217728
15:57:34 [INF][ copytable]: Opening ODBC connection to [unknown] 'DRIVER={MyFreeTDSDriver};SERVER=AZSQLDB.invaluable.corp;PORT=1433;DATABASE=rfcAnalysis;UID=OSDprod;TDS_VERSION=7.1;PWD=XXX'
15:57:34 [DB1][ copytable]: Executing query: SELECT count(*) FROM [rfcAnalysis].[dbo].[houseAddress]
15:57:34 [DB1][ copytable]: Executing query: SELECT CAST([aRecordStat] as NCHAR(1)) as [aRecordStat], [aAddressID], [aAddressParentID], CAST([aType] as NCHAR(1)) as [aType], [aHouseID], [aSeq], CAST([aPubStatus] as NCHAR(1)) as [aPubStatus], CAST([aUseStatus] as NCHAR(1)) as [aUseStatus], CAST([aContactFirstName] as NVARCHAR(50)) as [aContactFirstName], CAST([aContactLastName] as NVARCHAR(50)) as [aContactLastName], CAST([aTitle] as NVARCHAR(75)) as [aTitle], CAST([aDept] as NVARCHAR(75)) as [aDept], CAST([aLocAlias] as NVARCHAR(100)) as [aLocAlias], [aScraperAlias], CAST([aFacilityName] as NVARCHAR(75)) as [aFacilityName], CAST([aEbayLocAlias] as NVARCHAR(45)) as [aEbayLocAlias], [aHeadOffice], [aBranchOffice], [aSellingLoc], [aSellingDft], [aPreviewLoc], [aPreviewDft], [aOfficeLoc], [aOfficeDft], CAST([aStreet1] as NVARCHAR(75)) as [aStreet1], CAST([aStreet2] as NVARCHAR(75)) as [aStreet2], CAST([aCity] as NVARCHAR(50)) as [aCity], CAST([aStateID] as NVARCHAR(4)) as [aStateID], CAST([aProvince] as NVARCHAR(30)) as [aProvince], CAST([aPostCode] as NVARCHAR(15)) as [aPostCode], CAST([aCountryID] as NVARCHAR(2)) as [aCountryID], CAST([aTelNo] as NVARCHAR(50)) as [aTelNo], CAST([aFaxNo] as NVARCHAR(50)) as [aFaxNo], CAST([aTollFree] as NVARCHAR(20)) as [aTollFree], CAST([aEMail] as NVARCHAR(64)) as [aEMail], [aExpertContactID], [aConsignContactID], [aBiddingContactID], [aCurrencyID], CAST([aTimeZone] as NVARCHAR(4)) as [aTimeZone], [aGMToffset], [aCommIncluded], [aCommissionID], [aDirections], CAST([aBuyPremium] as NVARCHAR(250)) as [aBuyPremium], [aPremiumPlusVAT], CAST([aViewingNotes] as NVARCHAR(2500)) as [aViewingNotes], CAST([aDisplayNotes] as NVARCHAR(2500)) as [aDisplayNotes], CAST([aSaleNotes] as NVARCHAR(2500)) as [aSaleNotes], [aNotes], CAST([aInstructions] as NVARCHAR(1200)) as [aInstructions], CAST([aSourceType] as NVARCHAR(8)) as [aSourceType], CAST([aSourcePath] as NVARCHAR(1000)) as [aSourcePath] FROM [rfcAnalysis].[dbo].[houseAddress] ORDER BY [aAddressID]
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: Columns from source table [rfcAnalysis].[dbo].[houseAddress] (53):
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 1 - aRecordStat: nchar (type=SQL_WCHAR, len=4)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 2 - aAddressID: int (type=SQL_INTEGER, len=10)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 3 - aAddressParentID: int (type=SQL_INTEGER, len=10)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 4 - aType: nchar (type=SQL_WCHAR, len=4)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 5 - aHouseID: int (type=SQL_INTEGER, len=10)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 6 - aSeq: smallint (type=SQL_SMALLINT, len=5)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 7 - aPubStatus: nchar (type=SQL_WCHAR, len=4)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 8 - aUseStatus: nchar (type=SQL_WCHAR, len=4)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 9 - aContactFirstName: nvarchar (type=SQL_WVARCHAR, len=200)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 10 - aContactLastName: nvarchar (type=SQL_WVARCHAR, len=200)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 11 - aTitle: nvarchar (type=SQL_WVARCHAR, len=300)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 12 - aDept: nvarchar (type=SQL_WVARCHAR, len=300)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 13 - aLocAlias: nvarchar (type=SQL_WVARCHAR, len=400)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 14 - aScraperAlias: nvarchar (type=SQL_WVARCHAR, len=400)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 15 - aFacilityName: nvarchar (type=SQL_WVARCHAR, len=300)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 16 - aEbayLocAlias: nvarchar (type=SQL_WVARCHAR, len=180)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 17 - aHeadOffice: bit UNSIGNED (type=SQL_BIT, len=1)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 18 - aBranchOffice: bit UNSIGNED (type=SQL_BIT, len=1)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 19 - aSellingLoc: bit UNSIGNED (type=SQL_BIT, len=1)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 20 - aSellingDft: bit UNSIGNED (type=SQL_BIT, len=1)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 21 - aPreviewLoc: bit UNSIGNED (type=SQL_BIT, len=1)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 22 - aPreviewDft: bit UNSIGNED (type=SQL_BIT, len=1)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 23 - aOfficeLoc: bit UNSIGNED (type=SQL_BIT, len=1)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 24 - aOfficeDft: bit UNSIGNED (type=SQL_BIT, len=1)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 25 - aStreet1: nvarchar (type=SQL_WVARCHAR, len=300)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 26 - aStreet2: nvarchar (type=SQL_WVARCHAR, len=300)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 27 - aCity: nvarchar (type=SQL_WVARCHAR, len=200)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 28 - aStateID: nvarchar (type=SQL_WVARCHAR, len=16)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 29 - aProvince: nvarchar (type=SQL_WVARCHAR, len=120)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 30 - aPostCode: nvarchar (type=SQL_WVARCHAR, len=60)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 31 - aCountryID: nvarchar (type=SQL_WVARCHAR, len=8)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 32 - aTelNo: nvarchar (type=SQL_WVARCHAR, len=200)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 33 - aFaxNo: nvarchar (type=SQL_WVARCHAR, len=200)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 34 - aTollFree: nvarchar (type=SQL_WVARCHAR, len=80)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 35 - aEMail: nvarchar (type=SQL_WVARCHAR, len=256)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 36 - aExpertContactID: int (type=SQL_INTEGER, len=10)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 37 - aConsignContactID: int (type=SQL_INTEGER, len=10)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 38 - aBiddingContactID: int (type=SQL_INTEGER, len=10)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 39 - aCurrencyID: tinyint UNSIGNED (type=SQL_TINYINT, len=3)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 40 - aTimeZone: nvarchar (type=SQL_WVARCHAR, len=16)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 41 - aGMToffset: decimal (type=SQL_NUMERIC, len=3)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 42 - aCommIncluded: bit UNSIGNED (type=SQL_BIT, len=1)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 43 - aCommissionID: smallint (type=SQL_SMALLINT, len=5)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 44 - aDirections: ntext (type=SQL_WLONGVARCHAR, len=4294967292, long_data)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 45 - aBuyPremium: nvarchar (type=SQL_WVARCHAR, len=1000)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 46 - aPremiumPlusVAT: bit UNSIGNED (type=SQL_BIT, len=1)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 47 - aViewingNotes: nvarchar (type=SQL_WVARCHAR, len=10000)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 48 - aDisplayNotes: nvarchar (type=SQL_WVARCHAR, len=10000)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 49 - aSaleNotes: nvarchar (type=SQL_WVARCHAR, len=10000)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 50 - aNotes: ntext (type=SQL_WLONGVARCHAR, len=4294967292, long_data)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 51 - aInstructions: nvarchar (type=SQL_WVARCHAR, len=4800)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 52 - aSourceType: nvarchar (type=SQL_WVARCHAR, len=32)
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 53 - aSourcePath: nvarchar (type=SQL_WVARCHAR, len=4000)
BEGIN:`rfcAnalysis`.`houseAddress`:Copying 53 columns of 23610 rows from table [rfcAnalysis].[dbo].[houseAddress]
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: Columns from target table `rfcAnalysis`.`houseAddress` (53) [skipped: 0]:
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 1 - aRecordStat: MYSQL_TYPE_STRING
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 2 - aAddressID: MYSQL_TYPE_LONG
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 3 - aAddressParentID: MYSQL_TYPE_LONG
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 4 - aType: MYSQL_TYPE_STRING
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 5 - aHouseID: MYSQL_TYPE_LONG
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 6 - aSeq: MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 7 - aPubStatus: MYSQL_TYPE_STRING
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 8 - aUseStatus: MYSQL_TYPE_STRING
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 9 - aContactFirstName: MYSQL_TYPE_STRING
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 10 - aContactLastName: MYSQL_TYPE_STRING
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 11 - aTitle: MYSQL_TYPE_STRING
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 12 - aDept: MYSQL_TYPE_STRING
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 13 - aLocAlias: MYSQL_TYPE_STRING
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 14 - aScraperAlias: MYSQL_TYPE_STRING
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 15 - aFacilityName: MYSQL_TYPE_STRING
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 16 - aEbayLocAlias: MYSQL_TYPE_STRING
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 17 - aHeadOffice: MYSQL_TYPE_TINY
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 18 - aBranchOffice: MYSQL_TYPE_TINY
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 19 - aSellingLoc: MYSQL_TYPE_TINY
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 20 - aSellingDft: MYSQL_TYPE_TINY
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 21 - aPreviewLoc: MYSQL_TYPE_TINY
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 22 - aPreviewDft: MYSQL_TYPE_TINY
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 23 - aOfficeLoc: MYSQL_TYPE_TINY
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 24 - aOfficeDft: MYSQL_TYPE_TINY
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 25 - aStreet1: MYSQL_TYPE_STRING
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 26 - aStreet2: MYSQL_TYPE_STRING
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 27 - aCity: MYSQL_TYPE_STRING
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 28 - aStateID: MYSQL_TYPE_STRING
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 29 - aProvince: MYSQL_TYPE_STRING
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 30 - aPostCode: MYSQL_TYPE_STRING
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 31 - aCountryID: MYSQL_TYPE_STRING
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 32 - aTelNo: MYSQL_TYPE_STRING
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 33 - aFaxNo: MYSQL_TYPE_STRING
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 34 - aTollFree: MYSQL_TYPE_STRING
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 35 - aEMail: MYSQL_TYPE_STRING
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 36 - aExpertContactID: MYSQL_TYPE_LONG
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 37 - aConsignContactID: MYSQL_TYPE_LONG
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 38 - aBiddingContactID: MYSQL_TYPE_LONG
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 39 - aCurrencyID: MYSQL_TYPE_TINY
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 40 - aTimeZone: MYSQL_TYPE_STRING
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 41 - aGMToffset: MYSQL_TYPE_STRING
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 42 - aCommIncluded: MYSQL_TYPE_TINY
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 43 - aCommissionID: MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 44 - aDirections: MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 45 - aBuyPremium: MYSQL_TYPE_STRING
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 46 - aPremiumPlusVAT: MYSQL_TYPE_TINY
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 47 - aViewingNotes: MYSQL_TYPE_STRING
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 48 - aDisplayNotes: MYSQL_TYPE_STRING
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 49 - aSaleNotes: MYSQL_TYPE_STRING
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 50 - aNotes: MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 51 - aInstructions: MYSQL_TYPE_STRING
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 52 - aSourceType: MYSQL_TYPE_STRING
15:57:34 [DB2][ copytable]: 53 - aSourcePath: MYSQL_TYPE_STRING
15:57:34 [INF][ copytable]: Truncating table `rfcAnalysis`.`houseAddress`
15:57:34 [INF][ copytable]: ODBC connection to 'DRIVER={MyFreeTDSDriver};SERVER=AZSQLDB.invaluable.corp;PORT=1433;DATABASE=rfcAnalysis;UID=OSDprod;TDS_VERSION=7.1;PWD=' opened
15:57:34 [INF][ copytable]: Connecting to MySQL server at with user root
15:57:34 [INF][ copytable]: Connection to MySQL opened
15:57:34 [DB1][ copytable]: Detected server version=5.6.39-enterprise-commercial-advanced
15:57:34 [DB1][ copytable]: Detected max_allowed_packet=134217728
15:57:36 [WRN][ copytable]: [42000 - 2403]: [FreeTDS][SQL Server]Some character(s) could not be converted into client's character set. Unconverted bytes were changed to question marks ('?')
END:`rfcAnalysis`.`houseAddress`:Finished copying 23610 rows in 0m07s
15:57:41 [INF][ copytable]: Re-enabling triggers for schema 'rfcAnalysis'
15:57:41 [DB1][ copytable]: Retrieving trigger definitions
15:57:41 [INF][ copytable]: No triggers found for 'rfcAnalysis'
xxx Finshed bash script to migrate houseAddress table from SQL Server to MySQL rfcAnalysis database Thu Mar 1 15:57:41 EST 2018

As you see it could not
Here is the character sets on the server:
MySQL [(none)]> show variables like "%character%";
| Variable_name | Value |
| character_set_client | utf8mb4 |
| character_set_connection | utf8mb4 |
| character_set_database | utf8mb4 |
| character_set_filesystem | binary |
| character_set_results | utf8mb4 |
| character_set_server | utf8mb4 |
| character_set_system | utf8 |
| character_sets_dir | /ods/local/mysql-advanced-5.6.39-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64/share/charsets/ |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MySQL [(none)]>

Here is the putput of the command:
mysql> SELECT * FROM rfcAnalysis.houseAddress LIMIT 33;

| aRecordStat | aAddressID | aAddressParentID | aType | aHouseID | aSeq | aPubStatus | aUseStatus | aContactFirstName | aContactLastName | aTitle | aDept | aLocAlias | aScraperAlias | aFacilityName | aEbayLocAlias | aHeadOffice | aBranchOffice | aSellingLoc | aSellingDft | aPreviewLoc | aPreviewDft | aOfficeLoc | aOfficeDft | aStreet1 | aStreet2 | aCity | aStateID | aProvince | aPostCode | aCountryID | aTelNo | aFaxNo | aTollFree | aEMail | aExpertContactID | aConsignContactID | aBiddingContactID | aCurrencyID | aTimeZone | aGMToffset | aCommIncluded | aCommissionID | aDirections | aBuyPremium | aPremiumPlusVAT | aViewingNotes | aDisplayNotes | aSaleNotes | aNotes | aInstructions | aSourceType | aSourcePath |
| a | 39 | 0 | L | 40 | 0 | | a | | | | | | | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 358 Broadway | | Cambridge | MA | | 02139 | US | 00 1 617 354 7919 | | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | EST | -5.0 | 0 | 0 | | 10.00% | 0 | | | | | | | |
| a | 43 | 0 | C | 11 | 1 | | a | Robert | Eldred | President | American, Marine, Books | | | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | | 0 | | | US | 508-385-3116 | | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ??? | 99.0 | 0 | 0 | | | 0 | | | | | | | |
| a | 44 | 0 | C | 11 | 2 | | a | John | Schofield | Vice President | Asian Art, European Furniture and Art, Fine Art | | | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | | 0 | | | US | 508-385-3116 | | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ??? | 99.0 | 0 | 0 | | | 0 | | | | | | | |
| a | 45 | 0 | C | 11 | 3 | | a | Susan | Schofield | Treasurer | Paul Jacoulet Prints | | | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | | 0 | | | US | 508-385-3116 | | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ??? | 99.0 | 0 | 0 | | | 0 | | | | | | | |
| a | 46 | 0 | C | 11 | 4 | | a | Mary Ann | Eldred | Director of Marketing | Antiques Postcards | | | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | | 0 | | | US | 508-385-3116 | | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ??? | 99.0 | 0 | 0 | | | 0 | | | | | | | |
| a | 47 | 0 | C | 11 | 5 | | a | Eric | Mulak | Appraiser | Sporting and Collectibles | | | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | | 0 | | | US | 508-385-3116 | | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ??? | 99.0 | 0 | 0 | | | 0 | | | | | | | |
| a | 64 | 0 | C | 16 | 1 | | a | Ronald | Bourgeault | Auctioneer | | | | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | | 0 | | | US | 603-433-8400 | | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ??? | 99.0 | 0 | 0 | | | 0 | | | | | | | |
| a | 68 | 0 | C | 16 | 2 | | a | Devin | Moisan | Assistant Auctioneer | | | | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | | 0 | | | US | | | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ??? | 99.0 | 0 | 0 | | | 0 | | | | | | | |
| a | 77 | 0 | C | 31 | 1 | | a | Paul | Gorzocoski III | Auctioneer | | | | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | | 0 | | | US | (413) 498-4420 | | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ??? | 99.0 | 0 | 0 | | | 0 | | | | | | | |

It did not convert characters from aTimeZone (varchar(4)), while the script on
CentOS 6.6 did.

Do you know why it did not comver the characters?


Jacob Nikom

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