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sqlplus vs mysql command line tool
Posted by: scott.storck
Date: June 29, 2004 01:45AM


I am currently trying to migrate a simple web based application from oracle to mysql.
To administer the database on oracle, I used shell scripts calling sqlplus to run sql scripts. (sqlplus is a sql shell , simular to the mysql sql shell)
With sqlplus, you can pass parameters to your sql.

sqlplus login/password@database @commands.sql 345 654 342
in the exaple , "commands.sql" is the text file containing sql, and "345 654 342" are the values I am passing to the "&1 &2 &3" variables respectivily.

Therefore I currently have a script which does:
# call setuserpasswd.sql
# variable 1 = username
# variable 2 = new password
sqlplus tiger/*******@tigercity @/path/to/my/sql/setuserpasswd.sql $1 $2

the contents of the file setuserpasswd.sql:
update users set passwd='&2' where username='&1';

if I call this from the unix shell: johndoe somepassword

the following sql gets executed:
update users set passwd='somepassword' where username='johndoe';

I have searched for something compairable with the mysql sql shell, but I didn't find anything.

Scott Storck

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sqlplus vs mysql command line tool
June 29, 2004 01:45AM

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