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Re: What would be varchar2(4000) in mySQL ??????
Posted by: Josh Chamas
Date: September 22, 2004 07:46AM

Hi Ben,

I would recommend the TEXT type, which is a field that has character semantics. The BLOB type is better for raw binary data. Future stable versions of MySQL, say 4.1.x, will also have things like UTF8 character semantics for things like TEXT implemented as well, but right now what you get is things like case insensitive sorting. Also, you can put an index on a TEXT column by using an index prefix like:

create table text_test (
text_field TEXT NULL,
INDEX( text_field(255) )



Josh Chamas
Director, Professional Services
MySQL Inc.,
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September 21, 2004 02:23AM
Re: What would be varchar2(4000) in mySQL ??????
September 22, 2004 07:46AM

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