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oracle convert to mysql problem
Posted by: raike LM
Date: October 17, 2004 09:34PM

Hi All:

my system : Windows 2003 Server

MySQL version: mysql-5.0.1-alpha-snapshot-win

Oracle version: oracle 8.17

ODBC version : MyODBC-standard-3.51.9-win

 I used the tools SQL Server DTS convert the oracle database to mysql,but it appeares some errors .

 Errors content: [MySQL][ODBC 3.51]Client does not support authentiocation protocol requestd by server; consider upgrading MySQL client.

 I don't know the problem for the version the MySql version or the ODBC version.

 How can I the oracle db to mysql syestm.I'm very anxious about it

                thanks all.

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oracle convert to mysql problem
October 17, 2004 09:34PM
October 18, 2004 08:36AM

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