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difference in SQL syntax
Posted by: manish singh
Date: November 08, 2004 03:26AM

iam currently working on integrating a mysql server with the currently
existing group of oracle dbs
the new mysql server will behave as a central location for all the data in
the oracle dbs
besides this the new system should work the same way as the old one

that is for eg
specifc queries are written to generate data from multiple tables in the oracle system
now these queries whould also work on the new mysql server.

my first question
1) is there any difference in the sql syntax of oracle and mysql
if yes then
2) are there any resources on the net which would explain the difference between
the two syntactically and from the data type point of view so that i can modify the
current queries to run on mysql.


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difference in SQL syntax
November 08, 2004 03:26AM
November 16, 2004 06:33PM
August 23, 2006 01:40AM
October 15, 2006 11:09PM
October 26, 2006 05:33AM
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