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ADO, DAO or other ?
Posted by: Arnaud CAVELIER
Date: July 23, 2004 12:53AM


I have developped web sites with MySQL and PHP.

Now, I work to choose what convertion should be applied to an existing AccessXP db which is growing to much for Access.

SQL Server or MySQL ?

I'm newbie on MySQL linked via ODBC to MS Access.
Does it work ? Is it fast enough when the number of users grows ?
How can I evaluate the needed time to do the migration ?
What are the difficulties ?

I have read things on MySQL, especially on the main difficulty to use ADODB with the ODBC connector ? What does it mean ?

Is it possible to use DAO objects to connect to MySQL tables (via ODBC) ?

Thank you of your answer

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ADO, DAO or other ?
July 23, 2004 12:53AM
July 26, 2004 06:55AM
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