I could use some help w/ the following. Converting an MS Access db to Mysql. Have converted the backend, but still trying to connect with existing MS Access front end (updating as I go). 2 problems (at least). Introducing ADODB.
Can someone tell me how I would use adodb recordsets to populate form controls. I use a lot of parameter queries to populate form controls, where parameters for the form control come from other form controls. Not sure how to do this.
Another problem - in code I use recordsets which are created from joins of tables and other query's (stored procedures to say it technically I guess). How do I create a recordset using adodb that is selecting records from another query ?
Ok, 3 Q's, the third is a corollary to the 2nd. If I want to perform find on a recordset and The recordset is based on a query, does anybody know how to do this using the multifind solution offered by microsoft found at:
my understanding is the sql prefix statement should look like :
MFind.SQLPrefix = "SELECT * FROM TestFind WHERE"
but if TestFind is really a recordset or a stored query, then how do I do it ?'