I'm trying to transfer an ACCESS database to mySQL adnd strictly followed this guide:
Almost everything works fine, but copying data to target RDBMS fails if a source table has special German characters like ÄÖÜäöüß in the fieldnames: these records are not copied. But: The structure is created fine, showing these special characters correctly in mySQL.
The source character set is left as proposed cp1252.
I prepared an example from the Northwind.mdb || German: Nordwind.mdb using only one orginal table: Orders || Bestellungen. This has such fieldnames like "Empfänger" or "Straße". I copied this table into "BestellungenWITHOUT", replacing the ÄÖÜäöüß with "X" in the fieldnames: The import results in
0 records for Bestellungen
830 records for BestellungenWITHOUT (as should be).
The message log shows:
1660 total rows in 2 tables need to be copied:
- ."Bestellungen": 830
- ."BestellungenWITHOUT": 830
Determine number of rows to copy finished
Copy data to target RDBMS....
Migrating data...
wbcopytables.exe --odbc-source="DSN=Microsoft Access-Datenbank" --target="root@localhost:3306" --progress --passwords-from-stdin --thread-count=2 --source-rdbms-type=MsAccess --source-charset=cp1252 --table-file=c:\users\username\appdata\local\temp\tmp4xeivz
Loading table information from file c:\users\username\appdata\local\temp\tmp4xeivz
ERROR: `NORDWIND`.`Bestellungen`:SQLExecDirect(SELECT "Bestell-Nr", "Kunden-Code", "Personal-Nr", "Bestelldatum", "Lieferdatum", "Versanddatum", "VersandÜber", "Frachtkosten", "Empfänger", "Straße", "Ort", "Region", "PLZ", "Bestimmungsland" FROM "Bestellungen"): 07002:1-3010:[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] 3 Parameter wurden erwartet, aber es wurden zu wenig Parameter �bergeben.
ERROR: `NORDWIND`.`Bestellungen`:Failed copying 830 rows
`NORDWIND`.`BestellungenWITHOUT`:Copying 14 columns of 830 rows from table ."BestellungenWITHOUT"
`NORDWIND`.`BestellungenWITHOUT`:Finished copying 830 rows in 0m00s
14:50:15 [INF][ copytable]: --table "Bestellungen" `NORDWIND` `Bestellungen` "Bestell-Nr", "Kunden-Code", "Personal-Nr", "Bestelldatum", "Lieferdatum", "Versanddatum", "VersandÜber", "Frachtkosten", "Empfänger", "Straße", "Ort", "Region", "PLZ", "Bestimmungsland"
14:50:15 [INF][ copytable]: --table "BestellungenWITHOUT" `NORDWIND` `BestellungenWITHOUT` "Bestell-Nr", "Kunden-Code", "Personal-Nr", "Bestelldatum", "Lieferdatum", "Versanddatum", "VersandXber", "Frachtkosten", "EmpfXnger", "StraXe", "Ort", "Region", "PLZ", "Bestimmungsland"
14:50:15 [INF][ copytable]: Connecting to MySQL server at localhost:3306 with user root
14:50:15 [INF][ copytable]: Connection to MySQL opened
14:50:15 [INF][ copytable]: Setting charset for source data to latin1
14:50:15 [INF][ copytable]: Opening ODBC connection to [MsAccess] 'DSN=Microsoft Access-Datenbank;PWD=XXX'
14:50:15 [INF][ copytable]: ODBC connection to 'DSN=Microsoft Access-Datenbank;PWD=' opened
14:50:15 [INF][ copytable]: Connecting to MySQL server at localhost:3306 with user root
14:50:15 [INF][ copytable]: Connection to MySQL opened
14:50:15 [INF][ copytable]: Setting charset for source data to latin1
14:50:15 [INF][ copytable]: Opening ODBC connection to [MsAccess] 'DSN=Microsoft Access-Datenbank;PWD=XXX'
14:50:15 [INF][ copytable]: ODBC connection to 'DSN=Microsoft Access-Datenbank;PWD=' opened
14:50:15 [INF][ copytable]: Connecting to MySQL server at localhost:3306 with user root
14:50:15 [INF][ copytable]: Connection to MySQL opened
14:50:15 [INF][ copytable]: Setting charset for source data to latin1
14:50:15 [INF][ copytable]: Re-enabling triggers for schema 'NORDWIND'
14:50:15 [INF][ copytable]: No triggers found for 'NORDWIND'
Thanks for any proposal.