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Converting plaintext file into valid MySQL Format
Posted by: Michael Loaoa
Date: October 01, 2017 04:52PM


I have a document with raw data that i would like to convert into a valid MySQL Format to use in a Wordpress blog.
The raw data must be separated by posts for using in wp_posts table and searchable using the build-in search function.

The raw data is in the following format
email:location:client number:zone

And i want to remove location and zone turning into the format below
email:client number

After that i want to create a valid entry into wp_posts table with row and unfixed location
The formatation of the data must be incremented by plus 1 and the page location must also incremented by plus 1

What tools or macros should i use for this?


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Converting plaintext file into valid MySQL Format
October 01, 2017 04:52PM

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