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Re: MEMORY Storage Engine Integrity questions
Posted by: Ingo Strüwing
Date: December 21, 2006 01:14PM


My english is not the best. I may misunderstand what you write.

1. Do you think of the MEMORY table as a replicate of another servers disk-based table? I believe you can do this with the MySQL replication feature.
2. Depending on the complexity of your SQL statements and the power of the machines and their network 200 updates per seconds could be possible.
3. No. MEMORY tables are memory only. They are not disk-backed in any way. You could however dump the table regularily.

I hope my answers match your questions somewhat.


Ingo Strüwing, Senior Software Developer - Storage Engines

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Re: MEMORY Storage Engine Integrity questions
December 21, 2006 01:14PM

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