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Re: I get Syntax errors
Posted by: Peter Brawley
Date: January 26, 2018 10:28AM

drop procedure if exists noname; 
delimiter go                                                                        -- REQUIRED FOR MULTILINE ROUTINES
create procedure noname()
  SET @source_id := 0; 
  SET @dest_id := 0; 
  select @source_id := list_id from mw_list l where list_id > @source_id LIMIT 1;   -- MISSING : IN ASSIGNMENT
  WHILE @source_id IS NOT NULL DO                                                   -- MISSING DO
    select @dest_id := list_id                                                      -- MISSING : IN ASSIGNMENT
    from mw_list 
    where list_id > @dest_id and list_id <> @source_id LIMIT 1;
      WHILE @dest_id IS NOT NULL DO                                                 -- MISSING DO
        IF NOT EXISTS (
          SELECT * 
          from test_list_subscriber_action 
          WHERE source_list_id = @source_id 
            AND target_list_id = @dest_id 
            AND source_action = ‘unsubscribe’ 
            AND target_action = ‘unsubscribe’
          ) THEN 
          INSERT test_list_subscriber_action 
          VALUES( @source_id, ‘unsubscribe’, @dest_id, ‘unsubscribe’ );              -- MISSING VALUES( ... )
        END IF; 
        select @dest_id := list_id                                                    -- MISSING : IN ASSIGNMENT
        from mw_list 
        where list_id > @dest_id and list_id <> @source_id LIMIT 1; 
      END WHILE; 
    select @source_id := list_id from mw_list l where list_id > @source_id LIMIT 1; -- MISSING : IN ASSIGNMENT
END;                                                                                -- MISING TERMINATING SEMICOLON
delimiter ;

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Written By
January 05, 2018 05:10AM
Re: I get Syntax errors
January 26, 2018 10:28AM

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