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Re: Importing from Oracle into MySQL
Posted by: Salvatore Baglieri
Date: February 03, 2007 01:36AM

David Beckedorff Wrote:
> Circling back to the MySQL Migration Toolkit ...
> Does anyone know why I'm getting this error after
> specifying the source Oracle database and the
> target MySQL database and clicking 'Next'?
> >>>
> Connecting to source database and retrieve
> schemata names.
> The list of schema names could not be retrieved
> (error: 0).
> oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
> Details:
>$ Source)
> Method)
> Source)
> java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
> sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown
> Source)
> java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
> java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown
> Source)
> java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
> java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
> com.mysql.grt.modules.ReverseEngineeringOracle.get
> Schemata(Unknown Source)
> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Nativ
> e Method)
> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknow
> n Source)
> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Un
> known Source)
> java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
> com.mysql.grt.Grt.callModuleFunction(Unknown
> Source)
> <<<
> The Oracle user login I'm using has been granted
> 'dba' privileges temporarily.
> -David

On 2/2/07, Michael G. Zinner <> wrote:

The problem is that Oracle has changed the system VIEWs between the
versions. That means we have to add support for each X.Y version.

I could fix the initial retrieval of the SCHEMA information but I think
we would run into similar problems with the TABLE information.

Have you tried the tools from ? I have heard
good things about them.

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Re: Importing from Oracle into MySQL
February 03, 2007 01:36AM
January 22, 2007 12:48AM
March 30, 2005 06:13PM

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