Thank you so much!!! I do still have questions.
When you say
what database is it that you can query? How are you running queries on your database? a good method is with the mysql command line client.
For the most part, I am using MySQL Workbench. I had a dump sql that I used to create the database and it's contents.
2. Make the new /data folder to hold all of MySQL databases
3. Copy the existing /data folder to the new location
Do I really need to make a NEW folder? Can I just MOVE the existing folder.... the one that 'says' it is empty? (even though it obviously is not).
You should NEVER consider having 2 or more instances of MySQL sharing the datadir. That way be heartache.
OK - I can totally understand that, and I totally agree.
Your database can be made available to any/all machines on your network by opening port 3306 on the firewall on the machine where MySQL is running, and provide user logins to MySQL for use from other machines.
that would be great! so then I wouldn't have to move the database. I would certainly prefer that
When using your Win10 machine to query your database running on your Win11 machine, you will need something like
> >mysql -hLorettasPC -u<win10_user> -p
That would be entered on the command line of the win11 pc or on the win10pc? And then I only have to do that one time? That creates the win10Puser on my win11 machine?
after creating win10_user in MySQL on your Win11 machine (where MySQL server is running).
If you've installed MySQL on your Win10 machine as well, you won't need it.
You can use Workbench, or MySQL command line client or some other client, to query your database on LorettasPC.
The reason I installed the MySQL server on my win10 machine is that when I first tried to use MySQL Workbench, it said the MySQL server wasn't running. Since I did install MySQL (which I take it to mean, the server), I should disable it, right? I think it's a service, right? So I can disable it, but should I somehow actually remove it? Not sure how to actually REMOVE a service.
To summarize, my best best is to
1. keep the database where it is
2. open port 3306 on my win11 machine so my win10 machine can access it.
3. create a win10_user on my win11 machine for mysql
4. Continue to use MySQL Workbench, installed separately on each machine, to query the database.
If that is correct, how do I 'point' my win10 MySQL Workbench to the win11 instance of the database and MySQL Server. Will just opening the 3306 port on the win11 machine do it? Or do I need to do something else on my win10 machine to make it point there?
Again, you have been so helpful, and I really appreciate it.