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Re: Help needed!
Posted by: Phillip Ward
Date: June 22, 2023 01:50AM

Not a pretty picture (we prefer plain text around here), but this should get you pretty close to what you need:

Each Entity (thing that can exist on its own) has its own Table - Group, Student, Teacher, Lesson, Experiment, Skill.


a STUDENT can only be in 1 GROUP but a GROUP can contain many STUDENTs

OK, so Group is an attribute of Student.

- ID

- Group_ID


a TEACHER can teach many GROUPs and a GROUP can have many TEACHERs

That's a "weak" Entity - entries in it cannot exist without matching entries in the other two.

- ID 

- Teacher_ID
- Group_ID


a TEACHER can teach many LESSONs but a LESSON can only have 1 TEACHER
a LESSON can only contain 1 EXPERIMENT but an EXPERIMENT can appear in many LESSONs

So both Teacher and Experiment are attributes of Lesson - no "weak" entities required here.

- ID 

- ID
- Teacher_ID
- Experiment_ID


a STUDENT can attend many LESSONs and a LESSON can contain many STUDENTs

Another "weak" Entity.

- Lesson_ID
- Student_ID


an EXPERIMENT can have many SKILLs and SKILLs can appear in many LESSONs

Experiments and Skills, OK.
Skills and Lessons, No. Not directly, anyway.

A Skill is part of an Experiment and that Experiment is part of a Lesson.
To "relate" a Skill to the Lessons(s) it appears in, you have to "travel through" the intervening Entities; Skill -> Experiment-Skill -> Lesson (by Experiment_ID).

- ID 

- Experiment_ID
- Skill_ID

This is the Complexity - and the Power - of Relational Databases.

Regards, Phill W.

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June 20, 2023 01:02PM
June 20, 2023 01:19PM
June 21, 2023 12:31AM
Re: Help needed!
June 22, 2023 01:50AM
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