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Re: Bigint unsigned value out of range
Posted by: Phillip Ward
Date: January 22, 2024 07:57AM


I want to list the ID values and the next existing ID values and their difference (alias delta).

Sorry, but I have to ask ... Why?

Serial values are intended to be unique, but that's about all you should expect of them.
The actual, numeric, value assigned to any given record should not matter to you one jot.

You absolutely cannot expect them to be consecutive (i.e. without "gaps") because that's just not how they work. If you really, really, really believe you need this (and. IMHO, you never should), then you'll have to implement it yourself.

Regards, Phill W.

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Re: Bigint unsigned value out of range
January 22, 2024 07:57AM

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