howto convert BLOB to char and COLLATE to UTF8
I want to convert mediumblob-field "ar_options" to CHAR and then COLLATE it utf8
Using this query I donĀ“t get an error but see no difference.
Main isssue: mySQL4 has got special German characters in field "ar_options" which are not transfered correctly after exporting them with JDBC Connector
Note: special characters ("Umlaute") work fine in all other fields.
select a.ar_id AS docid, a.ar_tree AS igeneric1, t.tr_label AS taxonomy, a.ar_title AS title, a.ar_short AS generic1, CAST(a.ar_options AS CHAR(10000) CHARACTER SET utf8) AS body, a.ar_timestart AS dtgeneric1 FROM archiv a, trees t WHERE a.ar_tree = t.tr_id AND a.ar_id<50000 COLLATE utf8_general_ci
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/30/2007 08:18AM by Ragnar Heil.
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howto convert BLOB to char and COLLATE to UTF8
July 30, 2007 08:17AM
August 16, 2007 12:35AM
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