Character encodings issues with php, mysql, apache
Hello, I'm having an issue here with a MySQL database and a PHP application.
The database uses utf-8 encoding, the applicaction generates a web page with utf-8 encoding, sending a utf-8 header. The page rendering is Ok. (It's in spanish, and the latin characters, i.e. : á, é, are Ok).
With phpMyAdmin however, the characters look like "ó", "á" or "é"
In the console, using an utf-8 terminal, the characters in database look ok.
When I edit a field directly in phpMyAdmin, the characters look again (in phpMyAdmin) like 'á', 'é' but in the page look like ?.
We are having problems with searches for example, in the current searches 'á' <> 'a', with is a problem in spanish.
I'm a little confused here, anyone can lend a hand with this problem?
Thanks in advance!