Re: Help changing PERMANENTLY the charset_connection, reults and client variables
Posted by: Renich Bon Ciric
Date: September 07, 2005 09:03AM

Ok, this is what I did.

Edit my.cnf (located at etc... at least in fedora core 4)

add the following line to [mysqld] AND [mysql] sections in the cnf file.


The whole my.cnf file should look like this:



Obviously, there is some other data... but i don't wanna type it!

Well, if you check your variables with a:

$>mysql -u root -p
mysql> show variables like '%char%'

you will see that everything changed to "utf-8"

My encoding problems have not ended with this, though... in fact, i have a lot of problems with table names and data with foreign characters...

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Re: Help changing PERMANENTLY the charset_connection, reults and client variables
September 07, 2005 09:03AM

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