Re: utf8 charset comunication PHP5 -> MySQL4.1 IMPOSSIBLE!
Posted by: Shuichi Tamagawa
Date: September 10, 2005 02:09AM


> Shu, I have tried the second way you proposed:
> >2. add init_connect='SET NAMES utf8' in part
> of my.cnf
> I put in my.cnf section the following line:
> init_connect='SET NAMES latin2'
> and changed all other configurations to 'latin2'
> (the same as Renich Bon Ciric in the posts
> above).
> I still get the client_character_set = latin1
> Please help. How to change client character set to
> 'latin2'???

What user did you use to connect to the database ?
Please be noted that init_connect variable doesn't work for the user with SUPER privilege such as 'root'.

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Re: utf8 charset comunication PHP5 -> MySQL4.1 IMPOSSIBLE!
September 10, 2005 02:09AM

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