setting up default character set/collation
Posted by: bijan hoomand
Date: October 25, 2005 11:05AM

Hey ppl, how're ya?

I just learned how to use charsets and collations. My language is Farsi and since I was using previous versions of MySQL, I had no problem. But upgrading to 4.1, I notice that character "ف" is not displayed the way it should be. After reading chapter 10 of your manual, I sent this query after connecting to my database in PHP, and I have no problem:

$res = mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
if ( !$res )
	print "<pre>" . mysql_error() . "</pre>";

The thing is that I really do not wana send it in my PHP code, since I have some scritps that I'm not allowed to modify, so, I tried starting mysqld with the default-character-set option, just like:

mysqld_safe  --default-character-set=utf8            --default-collation=utf8_general_ci &

and it really works fine. I even checked the Server Variable and Settings in phpMyAdmin and everything is set to utf8. But you know what? My code still doesn't work if I remove the first code that I wrote in here, I mean if I don't send that query (SET NAMES 'utf8'), I was wondering why? I mean it's working, as the server variables show, but then they have no effect. What should I do?!


PS: If I want the default character sets be included in run time that I don't have to shutdown my server whenever I restart my computer and then run it again with default values, can I write something like this in ~/.my.cnf and then it works?


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setting up default character set/collation
October 25, 2005 11:05AM

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