MySQL 4.1.14 --> 4.1.15 upgrade problem with encoding
Posted by:
jim huang
Date: October 27, 2005 12:50AM
Hi My system is base on FreeBSD5.4
I have first install the mysql 4.1.14 version by using port command
make install
make clean
make rmconfig
then I install phpmyadmin by port
then I install my CMS site after I install everything that's necessary. such as Apaceh2 , ...etc
And I active my CMS site, look at the pages and everything works Good.
All chinese characters are display normally for few weeks.
Then I recently upgrade the MySQL from 4.1.14 to 4.1.15 by portupgrade
Then the nightmare starts.
This is command that I used.
portupgrade mysql-server-4.1.14
portupgrade mysql-client-4.1.14
then... the problem starts...
1) In the website's articles, all chinese characters that called from database are becomed ???
2) I checked the database by using phpmyadmin to browse the data, and all data displays CORRECT CHINESE.
3) I reinstall the CMS and create the new database with it. All Chinese characters inside the new database is unreadable by phpmyadmin, but it's readable by CMS.
4) I reinstall the database by
make deinstall clean rmconfig
make install
make clean
Then I found that the result is the same as before, all Chinese becomes ??? with old database on the old CMS, and with new CMS, the data inside database is unreadable by phpmyadmin.
5) I checked the MySQL chaset by phpmyadmin and here is what it shows
MySQL charset: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)
MySQL connection collation: UTF8_general_ci
I also try to change MYSQL connection collation to UTF8_unicode_ci but that makes no different with result.(Chinese still not readable with new database.)
MD-Pro è¨å®šèªªæ˜Ž --> This is what it shows on new database 4.1.15
MD-Pro 設定說明--> This is what it shows on the old database 4.1.14
I also try to create database in UTF8_unicode_ci and UTF8_general_ci but both has no difference with the result.
I checked my browser and it's selecting the UTF-8 encoding... So, I am losted..
So I don't know what should I check or change now..
Does anyone has some problem after upgrade?
This is what install into my machine
Apache 2.0.55
Php 4.4.0
gd 2.0.33
MySql 4.1.15
Written By
MySQL 4.1.14 --> 4.1.15 upgrade problem with encoding
October 27, 2005 12:50AM
October 29, 2005 06:55AM
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