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Re: Dynamic Partition Pruning
Posted by: Peter Welker
Date: December 15, 2006 07:45AM

Hi Sergey,

thanks you very much for the explanation. I was trying it without any index and this feature only works when using an index on the fact table.

I tried that with a lookup (dim_times) of 5,000 records and a fact of 1,000,000 records (fact_items) range partitioned by year (partitions) and it turned out to be slightly faster on the partitioned table (1.17 seconds vs. 1.06 seconds). What kind of test would you suggest to see a more obvious case here? Could it say: The smaller the partitions (and therefore the less levels the BTree Index has) the more obvious are the differences?


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September 21, 2006 04:27AM
December 09, 2006 08:25AM
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Re: Dynamic Partition Pruning
December 15, 2006 07:45AM

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