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Re: speed up the data retriving
Posted by: deva clementraj
Date: May 04, 2011 10:48PM

sir i always select like this only

mysql>explain SELECT * FROM bwfdata.tbl_data t where timestamp>='2011-04-01'
and timestamp<='2011-04-30';

id :1
select_type :SIMPLE
tbale :tbl_data
type : ALL
possible key :idx_time,idxtime
rows :32092285

SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%buffer% frist one is for data without partiton and
second one i created a partition with dtata of the tbl_data.

i partitioned with year and subpartition with month but when i insert to that table which have the partition its not going to the correct subpartition table

sorry for the delay reply i was in leave

sorry sir

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Written By
April 28, 2011 04:41AM
April 29, 2011 08:37AM
May 02, 2011 11:46PM
Re: speed up the data retriving
May 04, 2011 10:48PM
May 05, 2011 12:50AM

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