Re: Oracle 8i to mySQL full text search issues.
You can try this. I haven't had time to do full error handling - but it should give you a start! This could be developed into an interface that displays the url and first part of the text for existing items in the table with options to view the web page, update or delete items etc.
Let me know if it works OK.
File: urlgrabber.php
Author: Nick Roper, Logical Elements
Date: 24/07/04
Usage: May be copied and used on the understanding that
Nick Roper or Logical Elements accept no liability for
any errors or loss of data that may occur. The user is reponsible
for making any changes necessary for use in their own
Requires: MySQL, PHP and web-server
Notes: Displays a text field for entry of a URL
On clicking the Go button the URL will be opened
stored in a variable and then processed with the
addslashes function to escape special characters
before inserting into a MySQL database.
MySQL: This script uses a MySQL table 'test and table 'url_library'
created as follws:
CREATE TABLE `url_library` (
`url_id` int(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`url_url` varchar(50) default NULL,
`url_html` text,
PRIMARY KEY (`url_id`)
The code should be edited to specify values for the following:
$doit = false;
$msg = 'Enter URL and press Go...';
$go = isset($_POST['submit']);
if ($go) {
$url = $_POST['urltoget'];
$doit = (!$url=='');
if (!$doit) {
$msg = 'Please enter a URL to get';
else {
if (getURLText($url)){
$insert = insertURL($url, $url_html);
$msg = ($insert) ? 'URL inserted into database' : 'Failed to insert URL';
<title>URL Grabber</title>
<form method="post" action ='<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>'>
<input type='text' size=50 name='urltoget'>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Go"><br>
<?php echo $msg; ?>
function getURLText($url){
global $url_html;
$size = 1048576;
if ($url_text = fopen($url, 'r')){
$url_html = fread($url_text, $size);
$url_html = addslashes($url_html);
$okread = true;
return $okread;
function insertURL($url, $url_html){
$hostname = 'localhost';
$database = 'my_database';
$username = 'my_user';
$password = 'my_password';
$connection = mysql_pconnect($hostname, $username, $password) or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db($database, $connection);
$insert_sql = "insert into url_library (url_url, url_html)
values ('$url', '$url_html')";
return ($insert_res = mysql_query($insert_sql, $connection));
Nick Roper