low query
Hi my name's hakim.
I have a problem about query. My query have a low response time.
I don't understand ?
here the query:
SELECT P.id_audio, P.note_audio, P.id_playlist, C.nom_audio, C.id_artiste, A.nom_artiste, AVG( Pl.note_audio ) AS Moyenne, COUNT( Pl.note_audio ) AS total, Co.id_compte, Co.avatar_compte, Cs.cover_support FROM playlist_user P, playlist_user Pl, catalogue_audio C, catalogue_support Cs, artistes A, comptes Co, comptes U WHERE P.id_user = U.id_compte AND U.url = 'nasty' AND P.id_audio = C.id_audio AND C.id_artiste = A.id_artiste AND Pl.id_audio = P.id_audio AND Co.id = A.id_artiste AND C.id_support = Cs.id_support GROUP BY P.id_audio ORDER BY P.note_audio DESC , Moyenne DESC LIMIT 0 , 5
somebody can explain me: how optimize that query
thank you.
(i don't write english)