Jorgen's comments are fine based on info info you gave.
First, let's make your query a bit more readable...
SELECT distinct, //several fields
from several tables
FROM dest
INNER JOIN dest_c dc ON
INNER JOIN act_r a_0 ON
INNER JOIN act_r a_1 ON
INNER JOIN act_t t_0 ON
INNER JOIN act_t t_1 ON
INNER JOIN act_t t_2 ON
WHERE dest.r=1
and dest.i=1
and dest.min IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
and dest.max >=21
and dc.destId_A=3000
and dc.value>=35
and dc.points<=10500
and act_r.actId=21
and act_r.value >= 30
and a_0.actId=2
and a_0.value >= 20
and t_0.act_t= 4
and t_0.value_average >= 40 //similar conditions for the rest of the tables join ed
limit 40;
What are the indexes?
Which Engine are you using?
Is this an EAV schema?
Since most of the JOINs are tied on the same id (destId), this sounds more like "Vertical Partitioning" than "Normalization". Unless you have some big columns (BLOB/TEXT), Vertical Partitioning will cost, not save.
The ORDER BY may lead to _terrible_ performance. Try it, and get the EXPLAIN plan for it. Without the ORDER BY, the query can start with any of the tables, and probably stop after not many rows. With the ORDER BY, and because of the numerous JOINs, it may have to collect _all_ the possible result rows, then sort, and finally deliver what LIMIT says.
No, I have not addressed your question about slowing down due to load. Again, I need more info.
To assist in analyzing slow SELECTs, please provide
* SHOW CREATE TABLE tbl\G -- engine, indexes
* SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'tbl'\G -- sizes
* EXPLAIN SELECT ...\G -- clues of inefficiencies
* SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%buffer%'; -- cache size
and surround them with [ code ] and [ / code ]
If you get squeezed down to 2GB (which is _tiny_ these days), the cache sizes and the table sizes (in bytes, not just rows) become important numbers to see and discuss.