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Query optimization for slow query
Posted by: Mohammed Munazir Ul Hasan
Date: October 15, 2011 03:03AM

We are using MySQL Cluster 7.2.1 (Development Milestone) with 4 Data Nodes each with 20 GB RAM and 4x4 CPUs

This Query taking 150.45 seconds on NDB (Cluster) where as on Standalone i.e. MyISAM its taking 3.69 seconds

Select A.* , B.* , C.* ,SUM(D.Length_Of_Training*D.Training_Fee) as Training_Fee
, SUM(D.Length_Of_Training*D.Total_Training_Salary) as Total_Training_Salary
, SUM(D.Length_Of_Employment*D.Total_Employment_Salary) as Total_Employment_Salary
FROM cbp_pcetcontract A , cbp_contractdeliverable D, cbp_contract E , cbp_position C , cbp_bpprofile B
where D.Contract_ID = E.Contract_ID
and A.ContractDeliverableId = D.CD_Id
and A.PositionId = C.Position_ID
and B.BP_Id = A.BP_Id;

Any body can optimize this query or can help me in this.


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Query optimization for slow query
October 15, 2011 03:03AM

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