If you are not ready to upgrade to the not-yet-released 5.6, then...
You have
select proveidors_treballadors.id_prov_treb,
nom, coalesce(fac,0)
from proveidors_treballadors
left join
( SELECT id_prov_treb,
ROUND((sum(materials+stock)), 2) as fac
from albarans
left join
( SELECT id_albara, sum(quantitat*multiplicatiu) as materials
from comandes_albarans_families
group by id_albara) T1 on (albarans.id_albara=T1.id_albara)
left join
( SELECT id_albara, sum(quantitat*multiplicatiu) as stock
from albarans_families
group by id_albara) T2 on (albarans.id_albara=T2.id_albara)
group by id_prov_treb) T3 on (proveidors_treballadors.id_prov_treb=T3.id_prov_treb)
where tipus_prov_treb = 'proveidor';
The main problem, as Øystein points out, is the lack of indexes on sub queries.
More specifically, this construct will perform poorly (until 5.6):
JOIN ( SELECT ... ) ON ...
JOIN ( SELECT ... ) ON ...
unless one or more of those subqueries returns only one row.
One approach is to explicitly create the "temporary" tables that are currently being created by the subquery, but add an index:
PRIMARY KEY(id_albara)
) SELECT id_albara,
sum(quantitat*multiplicatiu) as materials
from comandes_albarans_families
group by id_albara;
(Similarly for T2)
Or you could upgrade to the latest 5.6.