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Re: Question regarding 5.0 LEFT JOIN
Posted by: Peter Brawley
Date: March 27, 2006 06:23PM

In MySQL 5 forget comma joins. Use explicit join syntax, eg

SELECT vq.vocab_question_id, vq.question_order, v.vocab_id, v.vocab_order, sp.part_id, sp.part_order
FROM person p
INNER JOIN part sp ON ??? -- not specified in your query
INNER JOIN vocab v ON sp.part_id = v.part_id
INNER JOIN vocab_question vq ON v.vocab_id = vq.vocab_id
LEFT JOIN answer_vocab sa
ON (sa.vocab_question_id = vq.vocab_question_id AND sa.person_id = p.person_id)
WHERE p.person_id='5'
AND sp.passage_id = '48'
AND sa.student_answer IS NULL
ORDER BY sp.part_order, v.vocab_order, vq.question_order

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Written By
March 27, 2006 04:59PM
Re: Question regarding 5.0 LEFT JOIN
March 27, 2006 06:23PM

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