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Compiling MySQL 5.0.x from sources
Posted by: Udo Beier
Date: March 20, 2005 03:12AM


I am a newbie on MySQL but have some experience with C / C++. Now I want do compile MySQL for Windows from its sources using MS Visual C++ 6 SP6.

But it dows not work. There are always compiler errors on missing files and so on. I did not find an "Ideot proof" instruction for that.

Can anybody help me?

The reason why I need to compile my own version is the "show tables" bug in MySQL 5.0.2. Whenever I try to access the meta data, MySQL crashes. Opening MySQL Query Browser or MySQL Administrator does so to. But I need stored procedures and other features of MySQL 5.0.x so I can not wait for an official stable release.


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Compiling MySQL 5.0.x from sources
March 20, 2005 03:12AM

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