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mingw port of mysql connector c and c++
Posted by: Martin Trautmann
Date: June 30, 2011 02:01AM

Eclipse + Mingw is a great build environment but the hurdles to access mysql connector c and c++ are quite high despite several useful comments of how to setup the binary versions.

I took a different route and modified the source code to work with mingw. Mostly it was sufficient to add the correct behavior if WIN32 and __MINGW32__ is defined.

Compiling cmake with mingw worked fine for me:
1) download and extract
2) run "./configure"
3) run "make"
4) run "make install" <== this needs priviledges to write to Program Files folder
5) include CMake directory in PATH

Compiling the mysql connector c:
1) extract mysql-connector-c-6.0.2.mingw-port.tgz
2) run "cmake -G 'MSYS Makefiles'"
3) run "make"
4) run "make install"
5) include libmysql directory in PATH to use mysql_config for building your application or for building mysql connector c++

Compiling mysql connector c++ works analogous to mysql connector c except that mysql_config needs to be in PATH for the configuration to work.

Technical details:

Regarding the BIG_ENDIAN check of cmake I did not find a good way of making it optional. So feel free to make proposals of how to improve the patch possibly for later inclusion into the main source code. Getting mysql_config right for english versions of Windows with a space in "C:\Program Files" is quite tricky. I hope that I got this right but comments/suggestions are welcome.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/30/2011 07:50AM by Martin Trautmann.

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mingw port of mysql connector c and c++
June 30, 2011 02:01AM
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